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Introduction and Welcome


Hello friends! Welcome to an early version of the revised Data Engineering Golden Path. The concepts, examples, and lessons in this tutorial will teach you how to publish a production-grade data endpoint via a batch data workflow (pipeline).

Alpha release

This tutorial is in alpha and subject to change after user testing. It is designed as an eventual replacement for the batch workflow content in the Data Engineering Golden Path. Currently, this release excludes some topics that would bring it to parity with that golden path. These include:

  • Counters
  • Reading from and writing to BigQuery
  • ITGC
What is a golden path?

A golden path tutorial introduces you to a topic and our company-specific ways to do something. It is not the full documentation for a particular subject. Instead, a golden path touches briefly on each tool and task, and does just enough to establish the basic, opinionated, and optimal way of working.

Who should use this tutorial

This tutorial is designed for:

  • New engineers who need to get up to speed with concepts and ways of working with batch data workflows.

  • Employees changing roles within the company and who need to create and manage batch data workflows.

  • Anyone looking for information on how to create and manage batch data workflows or who are curious about how it all works.

How to use this tutorial

  • New engineers should start at the beginning and work sequentially through each part and lesson to the end.

  • Engineers with experience building workflows are also encouraged to follow the same beginning-to-end sequence as new engineers. If you have previous knowledge, then a more targeted approach might suit your learning style and experience, but we encourage you to work through this tutorial systematically.

As you work through the Data Engineering Shiny Path, keep in mind that it introduces you to our data tooling. Again, this isn't the full documentation for those tools. This is just enough to get you started.


Each section in this shiny path builds upon the concepts and lessons learned in the previous sections. Skipping lessons might mean you're bypassing critical information or the required part of a learning exercise that spans multiple sections.


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